
ByAngel Chavez·Dec 10, 2022·Prime

Battery Not Charging

I took the Prime our for its first long ride. 40 miles in mostly assist level 2 and some 4. Overall it was a great ride. I capture some great video including some drone video. When I left the batter was almost fully charged at 96% I used 3% for the initial test rides after assembly. After I got back from my long ride with the battery depleted to 5% it will not take a charge. The bike has been on the charger for 3 hours since I got home and it is still at 5%. The charger LED 1 is Green and LED 2 is Red. So hopefully we can figure out if it is the battery or the charger. Other than the charging problem right now, the 40 mile ride was flawless. I was out for about 3 hours in all levels assist ECO mode, no sport mode or use of the throttle. I know the distance and time don't seem like much, but I did climb an 8 mile 5% grade hill in assist mode 3 which consumed a good amount of battery.